Import / Export

According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the annual growth of the logistics sector in 2018 was 5.6% compared to 2017. Likewise, the Spanish logistics sector represented almost 3% of the GDP during the same year.

Spain’s geopolitical location, the historical, cultural and linguistic ties with Latin American countries, as well as the road, port and airport infrastructure developed in recent decades, make the country particularly attractive for the development of the freight transport and logistics sector.

Spain has a large port and airport infrastructure (with more than 250 ports, both private and state-owned, and more than 20 airports). There are numerous Free Trade Zones in these facilities, both in the peninsula and on its islands, where processing, selection, packaging, exhibition, sampling, and other commercial operations can be carried out duty free.

Due to its geographical location and the cultural and linguistic proximity between Spain and Latin America, Spain is the ideal entry passport for Latin American companies to the European Union market, in view of the protectionist escalation that we could find in other countries of the world. In Mexico alone there are around 6,000 companies and subsidiaries of Spanish companies and their presence in other countries is as significant for the economy and industry as it can be in that country.

Our specialized and internationally experienced team has the resources and knowledge to advise clients on all key aspects of this sector, from investment structuring, permit and license applications, insurance, and tax and administrative compliance. Furthermore, we have the fundamental support of foreign firms when required by the situation and the client.


As in any other industry sector, structuring the business as a logistics operator not only requires precise technical knowledge of the processes involved, of commercial aspects, of the market and of the competition, but also has to be accompanied by a detailed legal analysis.
There is no escape from tax issues (including not only local taxation issues but also those involving import and export of goods). In addition to the income or corporate taxes that apply to the person (individual or corporation) carrying out the activity, there are issues related to the tariffs applicable to goods coming from non-EU countries. In these cases, it will apply to import goods and the origin and classification applicable shall be determined, according to the tariff nomenclature of the European Union’s common customs system (TARIC).

During the first quarter of 2020, Spain imported 76,564.8 million euros worth of goods and exported 68,903.9 million euros.

The main five import sectors during this same period were: chemical products (11,570.2 million euros), fuels and lubricants (9,700.4 million euros), automotive components (6,249.4 million euros), automobiles (4,870.1 million euros) and textile clothing (3,825.8 million euros).
The five main export sectors during the period consulted were: automobiles (8,734.7 million euros), chemical products (8,482.5 million euros), automotive components (4,188.1 million euros), fuels and lubricants (2,908.9 million euros) and cast iron products (2,656.2 million euros).
Spanish airports transported 87 million kilograms of cargo and 2.91 million kilograms of mail.