Resolutions of the TEAC applying the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the unconstitutionality of RDL 3/2016

We have access to the first rulings of the TEAC recognizing the invalidity of some of the measures introduced in the Corporate Income Tax Law by Royal Decree-Law 3/2016, which included greater limitations on the offsetting of tax losses and double taxation deductions, as well as the mandatory reversal of impairment losses on shareholdings. We […]
Relaxation of the standard of the DGT for the accreditation of environmental deductions without modifying the returns of the years prior to 2015.

In a recent ruling, the DGT has allowed that environmental deductions be proven withing the maximum period of 15 years, including the investments made in years that have been verified. The relevant issue refers to the deductions for investments in assets intended for environmental protection for which the public authorities had to issue a validation […]
Representation powers granted by the joint directors

Joint directors are not a collegiate body and must act jointly. The granting of a power of attorney to one of them cannot be made by certification of a resolution of the managing body, but rather by the execution of a public deed granting power of attorney. In the Resolution of 16 January 2024, the […]
Portugal: tax changes in 2023 due to the approval of the General State Budget

Law 24-D/2022 of 30 December approves the State Budget for 2023, with specific amendments to the Personal Income Tax Code (Código do IRS) and Corporate Income Tax. In this information note we briefly describe the relevant changes for individuals in the Global Mobility field. Non-Habitual Resident Regime There are no changes to the special tax […]
Portugal Important amendments to the Portuguese Golden Visa

On February 16, the Prime Minister of Portugal confirmed the measures leading to the substantial amendment of the Golden Visa program, emphasizing that the main reasons are due to the growing speculation in the real estate market. When will the changes come into effect? The changes will arise from the modification of the Foreigners Law, […]
Startup law and taxation of emerging companies

The commonly known as “Startups Law”, published on December 22, 2022 (the “Law”), has been wonderfully received by all those who are in the process of professionalizing their entrepreneurial projects, being able to benefit from international mobility and taxation regimes that are much more beneficial than under the previous legislation. In this note, we will […]
New Securities Market Law and Investment Services

On March 9th 2023, the Congress approved the new Securities Market and Investment Services Law (pending publication in the Boletín Oficial del Estado), which repeals Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of 23 October, approving the Consolidated Text of the Securities Market Law. With this regulation, the Spanish securities market aims to adapt, among other issues, to […]
Preliminary Draft Law on Structural Modifications

Following the extraordinary session of March 10, 2023 held by the Economic and Social Council of Spain, in which the Preliminary Draft Law on Structural Modifications of commercial companies transposing Directive (EU) 2019/2121 of the Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 was introduced, amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132 regarding cross-border transformations, mergers and […]
New features of Royal Decree 249/2023 of 4 April regarding the revocation of the NIF of commercial companies.

Royal Decree 249/2023, of 4 April, which amends – among other regulations – Royal Decree 1065/2007, of 27 July, on the General Regulations on tax management and inspection actions and procedures and on the development of the common rules for tax application procedures, extends the list of cases in which the Tax Identification Number (“NIF”) […]
News about Housing Law

After more than a year since the Draft Law for the Right to Housing, the Congress approved it on Thursday 27 April. It is based on article 47 of the Spanish Constitution, which establishes the right to enjoy decent and adequate housing. Its main objective is to provide the Autonomous Communities and City Councils with […]