
Glen Faass

Council Advisor


Glen is a member of the Bar Associations of Alberta (Canada) and England, also admitted to practice in Brazil and Venezuela as an international lawyer, specializing in advising international investors in mergers and acquisitions, particularly in the energy and mining industries.

With over 40 years of experience, he has been the managing partner of a major international firm. Additionally, he has served as the founder and managing partner of the firm’s offices and practices across several countries in Latin America, Russia, and Kazakhstan.

Throughout his career, forged in international legal practice, Glen has also gained extensive experience in training, coaching, and advising lawyers.

He holds a law degree from the University of Alberta in Canada.





LL.B. from University of Alberta.


+34 91 080 09 29

Paseo de la Castellana 53, 1ª planta, 28046. Madrid