Consequences of the approval of the annual accounts prior to the availability of the auditor’s report
The date of the audit report, when dated after the shareholders‘ meeting, proves the infringement of the right of the shareholders to have all the information necessary to make informed decisions, even in cases where the audit report is unobjectionable or favourable, by virtue of the shareholders’ right to have such a report before approving […]
Temporal validity of the monetary contributions in the incorporation of a company
For the purposes of proving the deposit of the capital in a bank for the incorporation of a company, the essential factor for the purposes of calculating the term is not the date of the deposit, but the date of the issuance of the bank certificate. The Resolution of May 14, 2024, issued by the […]
Interpretation of the DGSJFP on the capacity of the director to change of registered office of a SL
Although the articles of association allowed the change of registered office within the same municipal area, the DGSJFP interpreted this provision as an explicit limitation on the competence of the administrative body to transfer the registered office outside the municipal area. Royal Decree-Law 15/2017, of 6 October, on urgent measures regarding the mobility of economic […]
Tax neutrality regime for contributions to a family holding company
The TEAC and the DGT rule that contributions to holding companies, in the context of family tax planning, must be made with a correct economic motivation and not only to produce tax advantages. The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) in Consultation V2214-23 of 27 July 2023 and, more recently, the Central Economic-Administrative Court (TEAC) in […]
The successive power of sub-attorney in companies.
In order to avoid legal problems and to ensure that the powers are exercised within the legal limits, so as to prevent refusal of registration in the Commercial Register and to provide legal certainty for both the company and the attorney-in-fact, it is essential that the power of attorney is expressly defined. On 26 June […]
Right to information of a shareholder in a limited liability company
There may be information that is rationally useful or relevant for the protection shareholders’ rights that is not essential for the exercise of their participation rights. In such cases, the denial of the information does not justify the challenge of the affected resolutions, but it does justify the exercise of other actions with the objective […]
The DGT rules on the transitional regime for the taxation of shares with an acquisition value of more than 20 million euros
Shares acquired before 2021 that represented a stake of at least 5% and had an acquisition value exceeding €20 million cannot benefit from the transitional regime for the exemption of dividends. In binding consultation V0886-24 dated April 23, 2024, the Directorate General for Taxation (DGT) establishes that if prior to January 1, 2021 the investments […]
Incorporation of a company with the corporate purpose of the purchase of shares, stocks and its management
Incorporation of a company with the corporate purpose of the purchase of shares, stocks and its management The Directorate General for Legal Certainty and Public Faith (DGSJFP), by decision of 17 May 2024, revoked the registry qualification referring to the registration of a limited company whose corporate purpose included the participation in the capital of […]
Minimum content of the bylaws of companies
Well-structured bylaws are essential for efficient business management, promoting the operation of the company as long as clear rules are established and ambiguities in decision-making are minimised, as well as serving as a guide for resolving conflicts and making critical decisions. The bylaws are a set of essential rules governing both the operation and the […]
Right to be informed in a modification of a Professional Limited Liability Company (SLP)
The DGSJFP examines the shareholder’s right to be sufficiently informed of the content of the proposed amendment. In the Resolution dated April 16, 2024 (published in the “BOE” of May 15), the Directorate General of Legal Security and Public Faith (DGSJFP) heard an appeal against the negative qualification of a deed of resolutions adopted by […]