Merger and information to employees

In the case of mergers of wholly-owned companies that have no employees, it is not necessary to prepare a directors’ report, not even regarding the employees. In its resolution of December 16, 2024, the General Directorate of Legal Certainty and Public Faith (DGSJFP) analyzes a case in which a parent company absorbs its subsidiary, of […]

Requirements for the appointment of non-remunerated executive directors

Judgment no. 311/2024 of the Madrid Provincial Court of 4 October 2024 analyses the requirements of article 249.3 of the LSC on the appointment of unpaid managing directors in a family company, establishing that the absence of a contract does not invalidate the appointments of the managing directors, as they do not receive remuneration for […]

Challenging negative corporate resolutions

The Ruling of the Provincial Court of Valencia, of September 24, 2024, no. 162/2024 is generally in favor of the broad admissibility of the challenge of negative resolutions and, exceptionally, in cases of negative resolutions adopted abusively by the majority, in favor of the eventual judicial reformulation of the social will expressed at the general […]

IFICI: The new Portuguese tax regime that replaces RNH

Portugal has initiated a new stage in its international tax strategy with the implementation of IFICI, also known as RNH 2.0. This new regime seeks to strengthen the attraction of foreign talent and investment, maintaining competitive tax advantages while introducing stricter requirements in the application and eligibility process. Its main features are explained below. Key […]

Validity of a clause in the articles of association on the fair value of company shares

The DGSJFP confirms that the articles of association may establish their own procedures for the exercise of the right of pre-emptive acquisition, provided that they comply with legal principles and the corporate interest, while the inclusion of a specific mechanism for the valuation of the shares does not infringe the supplementary regime of article 107.2.d) […]

On the ancillary obligation to comply with the family protocol

An article of the bylaws establishing ancillary obligations whose specific and determined content does not appear in the article itself but by reference to the content of the family protocol contained in a deed duly identified, but neither registered nor deposited, is registrable. In its resolution of October 11, 2024, the Directorate General for Legal […]

Closing of the registry for failure to file annual accounts

For the reopening of the registration sheet of a company for failure to file annual accounts, it is sufficient to file the accounts corresponding to the last three fiscal years for which the effect of closure has occurred. The Directorate General of Legal Certainty and Public Faith (DGSJFP), in its resolution of September 10, 2024, […]