Agenda for information purposes only

It is not possible to request informative items with the purpose of requesting information on matters that are already included in the agenda of a convened general meeting. In the SAP Barcelona, 15th Section, of February 2, 2024, the Provincial Court (AP) addresses the debate on the inclusion of merely informative items in the agenda […]

The conflict in the granting of powers of attorney and the sufficiency of the notarial judgement

The DGSJF strengthens the authority of the notary’s judgement as regards the sufficiency of representative powers and limits the possibility of the notary’s judgement being called into question by the registry’s qualifications without a reasoned and factually substantiated justification. The Resolution of the Directorate General for Legal Security and Public Faith (DGSJFP) of 23 July […]

Individual liability action in the context of the so-called phoenix companies

Ruling 51/2024 of the Barcelona Provincial Court of 27 February 2024 has extended the applicability of the individual liability action, recognising that the injury to creditors’ rights is direct and does not require the reconstruction of the company’s assets, highlighting the need to protect credit rights and sanction abusive practices in the management of companies […]

Competence for the appointment of a voluntary auditor

The appointment of a voluntary auditor of a company may be made by the general meeting or by the management body, before or after the closing of the fiscal year to be audited and for the term deemed convenient and without consideration of the minority’s right to have an auditor appointed. The Resolution of May […]

Tax regime applicable to companies in the process of incorporation in the Commercial Register

Attribution of income tax liability for shareholders during the period between incorporation and registration of the company in the Commercial Register. Attribution of income tax liability for shareholders during the period between incorporation and registration of the company in the Commercial Register. The Supreme Court (SC) ruling of 17 June 2024 (ECLI:ES:TS:2024:3374) addresses the tax […]

Equal representation and gender balance in companies

The Organic Law 2/2024 of 1 August on equal representation and balanced presence of women and men (hereinafter “LO 2/2024”) has been enacted with the aim of improving gender balance in various areas, including gender representation among directors of listed companies. LO 2/2024 transposes Directive (EU) 2022/2381 of the European Parliament and of the Council […]