The impossibility to reformulate annual accounts after their approval

The reform of annual accounts is only possible prior to their approval by the shareholders’ meeting, and in the event of subsequent errors, these must be reflected in the year in which they are detected. Case law and the criteria of the ICAC have made it clear that it is impossible to restate accounts that […]

Liability of the partners in a company purporting to be a civil law

The choice of the civil form for a company carrying on commercial activities does not exempt its partners from joint and several liability for the debts incurred, since the commercial nature of its object prevails. The recent Judgment 466/2024 of 28 June, handed down by the Barcelona Provincial Court (ECLI:ES:APB:2024:7351), deals with the issue of […]

Consequences of a sole director’s non-attendance at the general meeting

In this case, it is analysed whether such absence can lead to the annulment of the resolutions adopted, especially when it is alleged that the shareholders’ right to information has been violated. The recent judgment of the Madrid Provincial Court, dated 12 July 2024, addresses the question of the legal consequences of the non-attendance of […]

The conflict in the granting of powers of attorney and the sufficiency of the notarial judgement

The DGSJF strengthens the authority of the notary’s judgement as regards the sufficiency of representative powers and limits the possibility of the notary’s judgement being called into question by the registry’s qualifications without a reasoned and factually substantiated justification. The Resolution of the Directorate General for Legal Security and Public Faith (DGSJFP) of 23 July […]

Individual liability action in the context of the so-called phoenix companies

Ruling 51/2024 of the Barcelona Provincial Court of 27 February 2024 has extended the applicability of the individual liability action, recognising that the injury to creditors’ rights is direct and does not require the reconstruction of the company’s assets, highlighting the need to protect credit rights and sanction abusive practices in the management of companies […]