Competence for the appointment of a voluntary auditor

The appointment of a voluntary auditor of a company may be made by the general meeting or by the management body, before or after the closing of the fiscal year to be audited and for the term deemed convenient and without consideration of the minority’s right to have an auditor appointed. The Resolution of May […]

Equal representation and gender balance in companies

The Organic Law 2/2024 of 1 August on equal representation and balanced presence of women and men (hereinafter “LO 2/2024”) has been enacted with the aim of improving gender balance in various areas, including gender representation among directors of listed companies. LO 2/2024 transposes Directive (EU) 2022/2381 of the European Parliament and of the Council […]

Tax neutrality regime for contributions to a family holding company

The TEAC and the DGT rule that contributions to holding companies, in the context of family tax planning, must be made with a correct economic motivation and not only to produce tax advantages. The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) in Consultation V2214-23 of 27 July 2023 and, more recently, the Central Economic-Administrative Court (TEAC) in […]

Right to information of a shareholder in a limited liability company

There may be information that is rationally useful or relevant for the protection shareholders’ rights that is not essential for the exercise of their participation rights. In such cases, the denial of the information does not justify the challenge of the affected resolutions, but it does justify the exercise of other actions with the objective […]

Minimum content of the bylaws of companies

Well-structured bylaws are essential for efficient business management, promoting the operation of the company as long as clear rules are established and ambiguities in decision-making are minimised, as well as serving as a guide for resolving conflicts and making critical decisions. The bylaws are a set of essential rules governing both the operation and the […]

The Provincial Court of Madrid recognizes the possibility of bringing an individual action for liability in the event of stripping of a company’s assets

Although in principle the stripping of a company’s assets can be pursued through a corporate liability action, in exceptional and qualified circumstances and individual action is appropriate. The Provincial Court of Madrid, in judgment 132/2024 of April 23, dealt with a case in which a sole director diverted clients from one company to another, which […]