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Invalidity of the registered notice of meeting due to communication to a non-effective address
The validity of the registered notice of the general meeting of a company requires that the effective intervention of the affected directors be guaranteed, with a notice to the actual address, in accordance with the standard of the Madrid Provincial Court in its Ruling 274/2024, of 13 September , when it declared the nullity of […]
Review of clauses on variable remuneration in the bylaws
The clauses in the articles of association regulating the variable remuneration of directors in companies must include ‘general reference indicators or parameters’ for the determination of such remuneration, stressing that ambiguity in these concepts may lead to their nullity, in accordance with the Directorate General for Legal Security and Public Faith (DGSJFP) in its resolution […]
The impossibility of registering ‘disagreements’ in the Companies Register
The Commercial Register does not allow the registration of proposals discussed at a shareholders’ general meeting that do not become resolutions due to tied votes, according to the decision of the Directorate General for Legal Certainty and Public Faith of 31 October 2024 (BOE no. 282 of 22 November), which confirmed the refusal to register […]
The nullity of the annual accounts does not automatically entail the nullity of those of subsequent years
Once the annual accounts for several years have been approved at the same general meeting, the nullity of the accounts for one year does not automatically entail the nullity of the accounts for subsequent years, which must be analyzed independently. In the case under examination, the minority shareholder of a corporation filed a lawsuit requesting […]
Failure to proclaim the results of the vote at a general shareholders’ meeting
The Judgment of the Barcelona Provincial Court (15th Section) of 10 September 2024 analyses the impact of the failure of the chairman of a general meeting to announce the results of the votes, particularly with regard to resolutions on the annual accounts. During a general meeting of a limited liability company, disagreements arose among the […]
Incorporation of an SLU with a single share with a nominal value of one euro
It is possible to incorporate a sole shareholder limited liability company in which the share capital is one euro represented by a single share of one euro nominal value, according to the Directorate General for Legal Certainty and Public Faith (DGSJFP) in its resolution of October 29, 2024, published in the Official State Gazette on […]